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We have the best clients in the world. 

We appreciate our clients as business and personally, we are happy to hear them out and to realise exciting projects together with them. And sometimes we work together for so long that we almost feel like employees of their company.
Snoopy mit Herz
"It's fun working together."
Gerhard Burtscher, chairman of the Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg. 
"individualised,competent and personal"
Sorina Stratula, UNIQA Versicherung, Customer Centricity Management
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"Professionalität, top Aufbereitung"
Michael Miskarik, HDI Lebensversicherung, head of the Austrian branch
"Award winning" clients...

Every year, many insurance companies, large generalists as well as medium-sized specialists, decide to benefit from the VAA's comprehensive broker study. Since the study is carried out by wissma itself, absolute independence can be guaranteed on the one hand, and on the other hand, a great price-performance ratio can be achieved for the multi-client study. The study report on all queried lines of business can be obtained independently of the VAA's profit!

Prof. Dr. Erich Kirchler
Our scientific roots

"It is said that there is always a simple answer to every complex question; this is wrong. Wissma conducts well-founded analyses of issues, analyses and reflects and then provides differentiated, practice-oriented answers!"

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Erich Kirchler, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Vienna, Head of the Department of Applied Psychology: Work, Education and Economy. Katja’s doctoral adviser & mentor.
Wissenschaft, Marktforschung, Consulting - wissma


wissma Marktforschungs GmbH

Sparbach 117

2393 Hinterbrühl / Österreich

FN 340976k 

UID: ATU65474701

E-mail: office(at)

Tel: +43 1 997 19 30 0

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