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Projekte & Beiträge

The Likeability of Animal Protection: Our Image Analysis for an Animal Protection Organization

Our client, a dedicated animal protection organization, wanted to know how well-known they are among the public and what image people have of them. Understanding how they are perceived is essential for strategically advancing their mission.


We conducted a comprehensive online survey in 2023 and 2024 with a representative sample for Austria. This allowed us to draw a clear and detailed picture of public opinion.

Our client is the undisputed king of hearts! In all surveyed attributes (sympathy, competence, trustworthiness, and transparency), they lead the field of competitors. It was particularly exciting for us to conduct an image analysis for an NGO and see how positively the organization is perceived by the public. Additionally, we are very pleased to contribute a bit to animal protection and support such a good cause. It’s a wonderful feeling when market research creates such value!


Wissenschaft, Marktforschung, Consulting - wissma
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