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Projekte & Beiträge

Online survey "Employee Satisfaction"

Our client is a service provider. The major interest was to identify employee satisfaction and to gain organised feedback about the strengths and weaknesses of the company.

We started off with a conceptual workshop to get the employees on board and receive feedback from various departments and areas. Furthermore, the implementation involved an online survey and the analysis was performed on an overall level as well as on an individual department level in the form of factsheets.

We had fun with this project for several reasons. We had free rein with the implementation and analysis. For instance, we complemented the conventional driver analyses with stepwise regressions and thus were able to explain not only effects but also underlying values of single factors. The factsheet challenged us graphically and it was just wonderful how our client trusted us and took the scenic route with us involving a conceptual and implementation workshop.

Results of the employee satisfaction study

It was interesting that nearly all participants had the same opinion regarding the weaknesses and strengths of the company. Nevertheless, also many unexpected results were captured and visualised, which contributed to increased understanding inside the corporation and among employees.

Wissenschaft, Marktforschung, Consulting - wissma
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